1. I am an oblivious person.  This protected me from drugs and parties in high school, but it also means that, a lot of times, I have no idea what’s going on.

2. I often act like someone I’m not, and I confuse myself and forget who I really am.

3. I am a very sensitive person, and I hate it.

4. Whenever I’m with people, I’m constantly wondering what they’re thinking.  This is why being with people can wear me out, and why when I don’t feel accepted, isolation is the easy way out.

5. It is easy for me to give help, but it is difficult for me to ask for help.

6. I like to look at the big picture.  I can take any story or event, discover a truth from it, generalize it to life in general, and apply it to just about any aspect of life.

7. I think in metaphors and abstractions, but I use the visual part of my brain (objects and pictures and colors) to do it.  This makes me horrible at directions because I have no room left in my brain to visualize a map.  Which is why I like my GPS.

8. I cannot handle details.  Sometimes I pretend that I can, so I spend an entire day trying to work through them, and then find out that if I just asked a detail-oriented person for help, they could have worked through my problems in less than 10 minutes.  But it is very difficult for me to ask for help.

9. It takes a lot for me to feel safe sharing my struggles with people.  In order for me to feel accepted, you have to be a person who knows what it’s like to feel rejected.

10. I need hugs.  I wish I could hug people without there being any question of my intentions.