21. I love ignorant people.  I think tolerant people need to start tolerating ignorant people.  If you hate the haters, you’re just a hypocrite.  Which reminds me…

22. I am a hypocrite.  I know deep down that the fact that I have to try so hard to be a selfless person proves that I’m not naturally that way.

23. I can sympathize with you.  I don’t care what you’ve done; it won’t surprise me or make me think of you differently.  This is because I know that your identity as a person and your past are two completely different things, and what you do and how you label yourself shouldn’t have to define you.

24. I have a very open mind.  If you have something to say, I’ll listen to your case.  If you have a good reason for me to change the way I live, and I believe you, I’ll change the way I live.  This makes me pretty impressionable, and I would like to say that I’m a pretty accepting person.

25. If you’re in a room with me, I automatically assume that I have to entertain you.  Sometimes I want to, but sometimes I just need time to myself.  It’s nothing against you.  I love you, even if you’re ignorant.

26. Dirty jokes, racist jokes, and gay jokes make me feel very uncomfortable.  If feel like you need to put people down to put a smile on your face, you need to get out more.  Besides, you never know what company you’re in, and what people struggle with in their minds.

27. I am afraid to grow my hair out because I have never had long hair, and I don’t know what I would do with it.  But I’m doing it anyway.

28. I hate cats only because I’ve gained the reputation that I hate cats.  I really don’t know how I feel about cats.  Except sniffly and scratchy.  I guess cats have a reputation to get over, too.

29. I am very independent, which is really more of a bad thing than a good thing.  I didn’t become who I am on my own, so why pretend I can now?

30. I often feel like I have to be everything for everyone because it makes it convenient for them.  But if everybody had this attitude, nobody would be happy.  I strive to be like God, but I am not God.