storms of life, promises, promises of god

“We are all either going into a storm, or coming out of one.” ~David L. Cain, “Know Ye Not This Parable?”

I am in a debt up to Methuselah’s eyeballs to the Lord of my life, Jesus Christ.  I am thankful for every single person God has put in my life.  You guys, He made you each uniquely and wired you intelligently.  He understands you, and He sympathizes with the aspects of your life that are just plain hard, the ones you can’t even begin to make sense of.  And He wants to be the one who helps you rise above them and find victory and have a heart for Him every day.

I just wanted to give you all an update about my internship.  I wrote a post about a month ago, which you can read here, when I was first entering into this storm.

In December 2012, many things were uncertain in my life.  I had no certain plan for my spring semester.  No certain job, place to live, class schedule.  And no direction on what I could work on to get those things figured out, and what I just had to sit and wait for.  I felt pretty powerless.  But I also felt guilty or worried because I didn’t know how much I was supposed to work to reach my dreams, and how much I was supposed to trust God and just “be still.”

Here I am, a month later.  Getting here has definitely been a journey.

There have been times when I have felt very lonely.  I have had times of anxiety, even to the point where I felt too anxious to even leave my house.  I have broken down and cried multiple times.  I have had conversations with my parents that just left me feeling frustrated and misunderstood and angry.  I have had confrontations with some huge problems that have just left me paralyzed in just how small and messed up I am.