A few new habits I’m determined to establish

  • Tackle the one-year Bible reading plan.
    I’ve never read the whole Bible before.  Over the past three days I’ve been reading this plan, and it’s only taken me an hour to read the passages and dig pretty darn deep into them without rushing.  Merely flipping around the Bible hasn’t been much good for me.  It’s much more spiritually filling to get some consistent meal-age instead of scrounging around for snacks.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes a day.
    Being a female human being and all, I have struggled with submitting my diet and exercise habits to God.  I want to exercise not ultimately so I can look and feel better, but because it’s something I want to trust God with, and I want to glorify Him through the way I take care of my body.  I want to show Him that I can be disciplined.  I don’t know if I’ll have the right motives every single time I exercise, but I won’t let that fear stop me from persevering.
  • Pray the same prayer every morning.
    For a while, I’ve wanted to have a kind of cover-all prayer that I pray every morning that addresses all the things I’m prone to stumble in or totally forget about during the day.  But I’ve been too lazy to write one out.  I combined a lot of the teachings from Faithwalkers to create one finally.  I’d be happy to share it if anyone’s interested.

It’s only the fourth day of the year and the fifth after the conference, and to be honest,  I’m catching myself falling apart already.  I’m starting to see the strength of my selfish desires and the weakness of my flesh but the strength of God’ spirit.  I am not going to give up, though, because I know that I am called by God to be a vessel to carry His self-sacrificing love to others, even when I am afraid of that calling or when I secretly get tired of that calling sometimes.

So these are the truths and commitments I’m holding onto this year.  I hope you got something out of this post that helped renew your mind.  I am excited for you this year. Honestly.  I know God is going to do some great things in your life for a bigger plan that is beyond your life — and all the more if you are quick to obey Him.  So let’s follow Him wherever He takes us, whether you’re going somewhere new or staying somewhere old that’s being made new.  Sounds like an adventure to me.