“For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority… .” // Colossians 2:9-10, NASB

Completeness in Christ is holistic, and it’s for everybody. As God’s creation, we were actually wired with needs. When we have need, we can seek for its fulfillment in godly things (God Himself, godly living, godly community), OR we can seek it in idols — look to people for what only God can do, looking to ___ pet sin to do what was meant to be fulfilled in the ways God has outlined in the Scriptures.

1) Completeness comes from being with Jesus as the Holy Spirit makes us become like Jesus.

This goes back to the “best yes” — sin is NEVER God’s best. Walking with Jesus and like Jesus is ALWAYS God’s best. As Dan said, when we seek the Kingdom and do what God says in His word, we will experience completeness in every way. But it’s not about doing right things… Jesus says our work is to believe:

“This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he … Bread which the Father gives, which he has made to be the food of our souls.” // John 6:29

In other words, when we merely believe rightly about God (He’s good, He’s NOT holding out on me, He’s with me right now even though He just saw that STUPID thing I did), ourselves (God defines me, not ___), and others (this person is just as broken and in need of Jesus and His love as I am), a godly life is no longer work — it comes naturally with right belief. If God loves me, of course I won’t be afraid and worry. If God loves my neighbor, we heck, I better love my neighbor too, because I know what it’s like to be loved despite being a total mess.

If I’m secure in Christ and His power to speak through even an imperfect mouthpiece such as myself, of course I’ll make way for the Holy Spirit’s voice helping me say the right words to this person.

2) Completeness in Christ means, whenever and wherever I experience lack, Jesus has a fulfillment for me, right here, and within His design.

If I’m experiencing relational strain, I don’t have to run to my pet sin to find relief. I can either find it in Jesus Himself, or in something I am confident He will give me. How do I know?

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” // 1 Corinthians 10:13

I hear this verse cited often for sexual sin, but it’s also true in the temptation to flip out on someone at work, the temptation to plunge head-first into despair/self-hatred, or the temptation to take an outcome into your own hands that belongs only to God.

Because of Christ, Godliness is ALWAYS an option. Even if you’re already in a place of despair, or just lashed out at someone 5 seconds ago, Christ has given you the power to do the next right thing.

3) Finally, Completeness in Christ means overflow is possible.

In our society, people are driven primarily by the desire to avoid pain or suffering. They work so they don’t go homeless. They push their kids in school so the other moms will think they have it all together. They put down others to try to fill the void of their low self-esteem. But complete people don’t do these things. Complete people work so they can contribute to their community in a way no one else can. Complete people challenge their kids because, no matter what the other moms think of them, they want nothing but the best for their kids. Complete people build each other up, because if someone else gets the promotion and I don’t… there’s no loss!


If you feel incomplete, run to Jesus! He’s waiting with infinite grace and mercy and with the EXACT things your soul was created to long for! Run to Him in that moment, just meet him in your mind for a few seconds; as He speaks to you, you will be changed, you will begin to believe rightly again, and that will translate to your world. He is in your mind, in your heart, in your world, ready to act, if only you will say “I am your mouthpiece, complete in You and You alone, and I will speak your abundance into a world of lack.”