God wants you to be authentic before Him.

Sometimes we want to believe something but we live with fears and doubts.  Don’t let these keep you from living!  God wants for for you than this — I guarantee it. In order for harmony to exist between our intellectual beliefs and our emotions, in order to experience peace, there must be vulnerability and confession. It’s hard, but I tell you the truth: It’s worth it!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5oY2oYKHFY]

There are parts of our hearts that can stay stagnant for years, like mold that flourishes in a warm, damp, comfortable atmosphere. Unless we reveal these ugly parts of ourselves to God, our lives will never change. Sermons and Bible passages will have no power to penetrate the walls we build around our hearts. Have you recently heard a sermon not not “gotten a lot out of it?” I humbly ask you to consider: What are you putting into it? Are you all in for God?

The Creator of your heart wants it all. Ask Him to examine your heart and reveal to you places in which you have not given yourself to Him. Beware that even if you’ve done this before, these areas may pop up in our lives like pesky, persistent weeds. But God is a diligent gardener, and He can make your garden beautiful. And He does — frequently. So frequently that He will prune your life whenever you open the gate.