Sometimes, things can be growing and festering inside us even when we don’t know it.  When we come to the Good Doctor, He shows us these things. He doesn’t condemn us for being unhealthy, but is glad we came to Him when we did.

You know, our bodies treat tumors as though they’re a normal part of us, and so the tumor is nourished so that it grows bigger.  But God sees our sin on His chart and says, “You see that?  That’s not you.  You will be better without this in your life.  Trust me.”  He doesn’t want our sin to take over us and define our lives.

He won’t perform surgery without your permission.  And if you let Him, you can bet it will hurt.  But whatever He’s ripping out of you… it won’t be a hindrance anymore.  You will find healing, and you will know freedom.

This analogy came to my mind as I thought about the song that was stuck in my head this morning.  I had forgotten how much Relient K’s lyrics have shaped my theology.
