This here post is a part of a four-part blog series I am writing. It’s about being finished… Buuut ironically it’s not finished yet. So here is part two. View part one here.


The reason I’m writing about this is because, even though my car actually did pull through…
something happened to me in my relationship with that car,
in that moment,
that made me lose trust in that car
for the long term.


With that thought, at least. I’d like to add another one.


The same moment I
at Starbucks was the same moment my car problems

When you finish a job, or graduate from a school, or even finish a project well-done,
there is this relief
and joy
and peace
and fearlessness that is

Have you seen it in others? Yourself? (Maybe me since I finished my last job? 🙂 )

But how often in life do we really get to
something being finished?



My time reveling in what was finished
was cut short by the rest of the unfinished problems of life.

Sound familiar?

At my life group tonight, I told people about this “revelling” feeling and asked,
“What if we could always feel this way?”

What if we could always have this attitude-slash-perspective
about our position before
the world
in its utter incomplete-ness?

Because there will always be
another course to take,
another bill to pay,
another milestone to achieve.

But those milestones might last a day.

What about the rest of the days?
Are 98% of them just doomed to be this
anxious in-between?


Part II is finished, at least. 🙂


In the meantime…

  1. Describe something you finished that you got to revel in.
  2. Describe something that’s been unfinished for a long time that has been bugging the heck out of you and causing you anxiety.
  3. Which do you spend more time thinking about: the finished, or the unfinished?
  4. Do you think it’s possible to celebrate the finished even amid the unfinished?