I stumbled upon this video this morning. It’s a seminar by Abby Johnson I went to a little over a year ago with a couple of my good friends and two other women I met that night for whom I now have the utmost respect.

I never intended to tell you what to believe about this video. In fact, I encourage you not to take what she says at face value. Instead, I encourage you to think critically about all information you consume in the media, from your friends and family, and from agencies and institutions about this topic.

Each one of us can make life-changing influences in the lives of others. Let’s use our minds to make sure we make a difference in the right direction. Take a look Abbey’s journey as she made the choice to follow the truth wherever it took her.

Comments welcome! I would love to see some discussion about this.

(P.S. I have a cameo appearance in the video. You can see me stand up briefly at the beginning of the video on the right side of the front row.)