I know that I made a promise to you guys that I was going to write a blog post every Friday, but I didn’t.  I had a really hard time figuring out what to write on this week. So I decided to look through my journal for inspiration.  In other words, this next blog post isn’t just another philosophical musing; it’s really personal.

This past week, a lot of things have been happening that have made me reevaluate myself.  The other night, I was doing some serious thinking about what kind of thought processes run my life, and it developed into a list of things that actually explain a lot about who I am.  I’ve decided to share these things because I think it could help you guys know me a little better, which, according to the quote by Doctor King, might help us get along.

Some of these things are probably healthy, some are probably not.  Some are probably normal, but that doesn’t automatically make them good or bad.  None of these things define me or control me, ultimately, but sometimes I let myself believe that they do.

Go on to the next page to take a look.