I spent this whole weekend doing nothing but moving.  Friday night, my dad and I loaded up some cars of my brother’s stuff to bring on Saturday when we helped him and his wife move into their exquisite, colorful newlywed abode in Colorado Springs.  On Sunday, we drove down to the Westward Den (my favorite house I’ve lived in thus far) to collect my belongings.  Today, I’ve been  moving back into my parents’ home in Aurora.

moving in

It’s times like these that remind me of these 3 principles:

(1) God is my home.

When I try to find security (ultimately) in something like my savings or my house or my group of friends (or my blog), I’m setting myself up for disappointment.  Jesus is our only security, the only One who renders our core identity untouched by the passing of time. Everything and everyone else around you may or may not stick around, but Jesus will stick with you all the days of your life.

(2) Your possessions can possess you.

Material possessions can be either a catalyst to achieve your dreams, or a vice that steals your attention from things that are more fun and fulfilling.  If your stuff would be more optimal in someone else’s life than in yours, consider giving it away.  It can be a really liberating experience.

(3) Serving together is a fun, FREE way to bless others and spend time with your friends.

If you’re ever tired of watching stupid movies, throwing money out at restaurants, and not having a good enough excuse to see friends, find someone to serve.  It will be a challenge, but you’ll grow closer to each other by going through it together.  Scout out ways you can serve someone in the next week or so — you won’t regret it!

Keepin’ it short and sweet this time.