Fathers are everywhere. They are grandfathers, brothers, coworkers, uncles, cousins, husbands, neighbors, friends. You can write about him or directly to him. Whether you talk to him every day or don’t feel like you know him, your father has impacted your life and can be deeply impacted by the way you respond to him.

I’m creating a Father’s Day tribute, but this time, it’s YOUR chance to be heard. If you have a shout-out for your dad (or any other fathers in your life), send it to me via Facebook or email before 9 p.m. tonight.

Tomorrow you can stop on by my blog, show your loved ones, and celebrate all of our dads together. (Limit to 200 words please!)

Even if you’ve had a hard time loving a father in your life, it’s never too late to forgive, appreciate, overlook, confess, ask, or hope — and what better opportunity than Father’s Day?