1. If you want to save money on textbooks, buy them online.  Soon.

2. I admire the determination of weeds.

3. I underestimated you.  I’m sorry.

4. If you want to save money this year, eat oatmeal and brew your own coffee.

5. I’ve already found a perfect Person.  Doesn’t need to be done again.  Phew!

6. I’m not the hero.  I’m a civilian.  My job is to be myself, call on the hero, watch him kick butt and save my city, and then celebrate.  Woo!

7. Shame is only shame if you’re ashamed of it.  That was super easy to say.

8. I don’t understand why I like Napoleon Dynamite.  This is one of those things the world may never know.

9. There’s this new talent I’m practicing: Being still.  It’s hard but kind of refreshing.  Thanks, Frenchie.

10. Attaching a random picture to a blog post is fun.